
Timetable pricing
Weekday06:00 until 09:00 Peak09:00 until 18:00 Off-Peak18:00 until 21:00 Peak
Saturdays06:30 until 13:00 Peak
Session lengthPricing options
30 minute 1-to-1 session£31.50£35.00
60 minute 1-to-1 session£52.50£57.00
5 sessions for only:
Best Value
5 sessions for only:

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Note: for partner and small group personal training sessions, please contact us for a quote.


Outdoor Circuit Training
Saturdays 9:45am - 10:30am

Our classes take place at Chesham Moor Gym and are £10.00 per session.

If you want to get fit in a fun and friendly environment, these classes are for you! Our instructors will adapt each exercise to suit your ability level, and we keep our group classes to a maximum of 15 so we can give each person the support they need.